PNK Treatment of DNA Ends protocol - source code

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#include "BioCoder.h"

void main()
	start_protocol("PNK Treatment of DNA ends");

	Fluid pnk_stock = new_fluid("PNK stock", "10, 000 U/ml");
	Fluid ligase_buffer = new_fluid("T4 ligase buffer");
	Fluid substrate = new_fluid("substrate");

	Container rxn_tube1 = new_container(RXN_TUBE);

	//Reaction Mix (10μl)
	//    * 1 μL PNK stock (10,000 U/ml)
	//    * 1 μL T4 Ligase Buffer
	//    * 8 μL Substrate 
	first_step("Reaction Mix (10 µl)");
	Fluid fluid_array[3] = {pnk_stock, ligase_buffer, substrate};
	Volume* volumes[3] = {vol(1, UL), vol(1, UL), vol(8, UL)};
	char* tube[1] = {"Reaction Mix"};
	mixing_table(2, 4, fluid_array, tube, volumes, vol(10, UL), rxn_tube1);

	// Reaction Conditions
	//   1. 37°C for 30mins
	//   2. 65°C for 20mins
	//   3. Store at 4°C 
	next_step("Reaction Conditions");
	incubate(rxn_tube1, 37, time(30, MINS));
	incubate(rxn_tube1, 65, time(20, MINS));
	store(rxn_tube1, 4);
